When I started drafting this and had to title my Google Doc, I wrote: “post-inauguration clusterf*ck.” Part of me thought I should have just left it that way because… well, it’s catchy, right? And honest.
I’ve sat down to write every day for the past week or so being greeted by nothing but crickets. I think it’s a combination of feeling completely uninspired, like I’d just be adding to the noise, and that it’s not an appropriate time to write… the list goes on. (Have I told you I tend to overthink things?)
I feel like I’ve been on a pendulum that sways back and forth between grief and rage with a big dose of fear in the middle. One night, I physically felt my nervous system in complete chaos. It was as if an electric current was running through my body, muscles tight and breathing shallow. (It was on a night where my social media scrolling was heavy and conversations with people in the “other camp” were maddening.)
As I went to bed that night, I rolled over to my husband and said “I need you to hold me”. It was in that moment, with my body electric, my mind anxious and my heart heavy, that I knew this was not going to be… could not be… the way forward.
At that moment, I realized that the way I was feeling was exactly how they wanted me to feel… scared, overwhelmed, angry… and a bit hopeless. Ready to give up and live in a cabin in the woods (which, honestly, is always on the table), ready to have heated words with people I hardly knew, ready to burn it all down or worse… bury my head in the sand.
And while all the feelings are valid (for myself and for many of you)… I also know that how we respond is what matters.
In a world where so much feels out of our control, we get to control our responses.
So I’ve been thinking quite a bit about how I want to respond in the world right now and what I know is this: I want my response to be proactive based on my values, not reactive because of someone else’s… especially when their values aren’t reflected in mine.
What do you want your response to look like?
For me, when I distill all of my values into one overarching theme it’s this: harmony.
Harmony reflects balance, connection, authenticity, and the integration of self, others, and the world. It’s about living with purpose, fostering meaningful relationships, aligning with values, and nurturing well-being in every area of life. It weaves together the personal, communal, and universal into a state of congruence.
You see this in relationships, music, art… and especially in nature.
In nature, harmony is balance and interconnectedness: all parts existing in a way that supports the whole. It’s not about uniformity but the integration of differences in a way that fosters a level of mutual respect and creates a sense of unity.
In relationships or communities, harmony often involves genuinely listening, understanding, acknowledging and valuing diverse perspectives. It involves compromise and collaboration… to find common ground without forcing conformity. It involves respect and inclusivity by creating space for individuality and fostering connection.
True harmony isn’t about erasing differences but weaving them together. It recognizes that differing viewpoints can enrich the whole, much like different notes in a chord create something richer and more beautiful than any single note could. It’s about coexistence and finding a way forward, even amid diversity or disagreement.
Now, I say and feel so passionate about all of that…but let’s also be real (because I like to consider myself an optimistic realist). Right now the reality is that we are so far off from any sense of harmony. Truth be told, it feels like such a pie-in-the-sky idea and I’m not even sure where I can buy a ticket to book a flight to get off the ground. I mean, given the current state of things, it feels like we haven’t even come to realize that we can actually fly.
But here’s what I know: giving up and giving in to the chaos of the current world won’t get me anywhere. Instead, while it feels like an uphill battle, I’m committed to co-creating the world I want to be part of.
What world are you actively building right now?
With all that said, I’m still figuring out what it looks like day-to-day. I’m human… and I know that this is all going to be a big “trial and error” sort of thing because the realist in me feels like the cards are stacked against us in many ways right now. But, here is the theme I’m reflecting on: how and where do I want to be spending my money, time and resources?
To further break it down:
Which companies and organizations do I want to be supporting with my buying power?
What organizations are most important to my values and how can I show up for them?
Which relationships do I want to nurture that will have a greater impact on my life?
What does my relationship to the online world look like (and with which platforms) compared to relationship to my local community? How am I using social platforms? Which world am I supporting when I post, like, comment and share?
How am I contributing and creating versus consuming?
How am I taking care of myself in order to take care of others?
Through which lens am I looking at the world? How are my thoughts and actions creating my reality?
These might seem like minor and insignificant things to reflect on… I know they aren’t massive shifts that will move any major needle. Yet I remind myself that each step taken paves the path forward and every drop of water creates a ripple effect in the puddle.
Maybe with enough ripples we can create the tidal wave we need.
An important note: None of what I share is meant to disregard the very real dangers and fears many in our communities are facing. These thoughts are not meant to bypass the devastation raging around our world, the injustices taking place, and the unethical and immoral practices that continue to take center stage. These thoughts and words are not meant to downplay the exceptionally serious state of the world. I do not stand for any of it.
These thoughts are merely reflection for the ways in which I, given my unique capacity, can move through the world right now.